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方便快速卸载工具最新版, 含有繁体中文界面。只须将想要卸载的应用程序拉进来,和该软件相关的东东一网打尽!特别适用于经验较少,或经常装卸软件的朋友。
AppZapper allows you to confidently uninstall virtually any application as easily as it was installed -- just drag and drop. Drag one or more unwanted apps onto AppZapper and watch as it finds all the extra files and lets you delete them with a single click. A slick safety system remembers which apps you want to keep safe, and the log tracks all the files you've zapped. Put simply, AppZapper is the uninstaller Apple forgot.
AppZapper allows you to confidently uninstall virtually any application as easily as it was installed -- just drag and drop. Drag one or more unwanted apps onto AppZapper and watch as it finds all the extra files and lets you delete them with a single click. A slick safety system remembers which apps you want to keep safe, and the log tracks all the files you've zapped. Put simply, AppZapper is the uninstaller Apple forgot.
AppZapper  2.0.3 2023/3/14 方便快速卸载工具最新版, 含有繁体中文界面。只须将想要卸载的应用程序拉进来,..
( 系统相关 - 辅助程式)
AppZapper 2.0.1 0 2010/1/7 方便快速卸载工具最新版, 含有繁体中文界面。只须将想要卸载的应用程序拉进..
( 系统相关 - 工具)
AppZapper 1.8  0 2007/8/2 方便快速卸载工具最新版, 含有繁体中文界面。只须将想要卸载的应用程序拉进来,..
( 系统相关 - 辅助程式)
AppZapper 1.5 完整版 0 2006/5/23 方便快速卸载工具最新版, 只须将想要卸载的应用程序拉进来,和该软件相关的东东..
( 系统相关 - 辅助程式)